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Thursday 4 January 2018

Sultana Scones


8oz SR Flour
2oz Margarine
1oz sugar
2oz sultanans
1/2 tsp baking powder


Rub flour, baking powder and margarine till resembles breadcrumbs.
Mix in sugar and sultanas.
Add a little milk at a time till mixture is combined, but bot too sticky.

Roll out on floured surface and cut out with scone cutter, about half the depth of the cutter.

Place on greased baking tray, and brush tops with beaten egg.
Leave to rest for 10 mins, then brush with egg again, ( this gives a better golden top).

Place in top of oven, gas 6, for aprox 10-15 minutes until golden colour on top.

Place on cooling wire.

Fill with strawberry jam and clotted cream (yum!)


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