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Sunday 14 January 2018

Mini Bakewell Tartlets

Shortcrust pastry ( as done in previous post)

1tbsp jam

2oz margarine
2oz castor sugar
1oz SR Flour
1oz Ground Almonds
1 egg
1tsp Almond Essence

2tbsp icing sugar
Pink food colouring

Grease 4 tartlet cases lightly (mine were 4")
Line cases with shortcrust pastry and bake blind, without colouring.

Make cake mix by creaming together sugar and margarine till fluffy.
Beat in egg and almond essence,
Fold in flour and ground almonds.

Spread 1tsp jam in bottom of each pastry case, then divide cake mix between tartlets and smooth out.

Bake in centre of oven, Gas 6, till golden brown, (aprox 20 mins).

Allow to cool on wire rack.

Mix icing sugar in bowl with a little water, but not too runny, put a little mix in another small bowl and mix in a tiny bit of pink food colouring.

When tarts are cool, spread white icing on top, put pink icing in small icing bag, with small plain nozzle and pipe parallel lines across, then with toothpick, drag gently across line to create feather effect.


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