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Tuesday 24 April 2018

Batten-burg Cake

This is the freshest batten burg cake I have ever tasted!
Goes to show how many preservatives are in shop bought cakes to make them last on the supermarket shelves....

Ingredients listed below, actually made 4 good sized cakes.

1lb SR Flour
1lb Castor Sugar
1lb Margarine
8 Eggs (beaten)
2tsp vanilla essence

strawberry or apricot jam
White marzipan
red & yellow food colouring

Make cakes by beating sugar and margarine till light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs and vanilla a little at a time, with a spoonful of the flour to prevent curdling.
Fold in rest of flour.
Divide cake mix into 2 separate bowls, add a little red food colouring into one bowl, and mix gently, and yellow into other.

Grease and flour 2 tins, ( I used 11" x 8" tins, with 2" depth)

Put yellow mix in one, and pink in other.
Bake in oven Gas 5, until risen and starting to turn golden brown.

Turn onto wire racks to cool.

When cool, trim tops and edges so you have straight sides, and cut into 4 rectangles.

For each cake, finish as follows:

Take one yellow rectangle, spread jam on top, and place pink cake on top.
Cut down middle length ways, reverse colours and stick together with jam again.

Roll out marzipan thinly, use knife or pizza cutter to straighten edges, spread with jam, and roll cakes gently on marzipan till covered, and trim again.

Trim ends of cakes to get a straight and even finish.

Hope you enjoy making these!

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