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Sunday 14 January 2018

Nutella Macarons

2 Large egg whites
150g Icing Sugar
70g Ground Almonds
food colouring
Edible Rice paper ( i got mine from Amazon)

Whisk egg whites in large grease free bowl until soft peaks form.

Whisk in icing sugar 1tbsp at a time, whisking well in-between each addition.
Add a couple of drops of food colouring of your choice on las addition.
Continue whisking on high speed until thick and glossy a bit like shaving foam.

Gently fold in ground almonds with large metal spoon or spatula.

Put mixture in piping bag with large round nozzle.
Place rice paper on to baking sheet, and pipe rounds, in 1 squeeze, do not use circular motion.

Leave on tray for 30 minutes to form a skin ( this is important), then cook in centre of oven, gas 4 for aprox 20 minutes until just crisp.

Leave to cool, then remove excess paper from around Macarons, and sandwich together with Nutella!


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