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Sunday 21 January 2018

Chocolate Strawberry Cake

The ingredients listed below made two 6" cakes, one round and one heart shaped spring form loose bottomed tins.

4oz Margarine
4oz Castor Sugar
2 Eggs (beaten)
4oz SR Flour
1\2 tsp baking powder
3oz Freeze dried strawberries
Red food colouring

For fillings and covering:
2oz Icing sugar
2oz butter (softened)
1 small tub chocolate mirror glaze

To make cakes, grease and flour tins.

Cream margarine and sugar until light and fluffy, (scrape down bowl).
Add beaten eggs and beat in a little at a time, with a little flour to stop it curdling, (scrape down bowl again).
Fold in rest of flour with 2oz of the strawberries, and share mix between tins.

Bake in centre of oven Gas 5 for aprox 20-30 mins until baked.

Allow to cool slightly before turning out on to wire rack to cool completely.

Make butter icing with icing sugar and butter, finally adding in last of strawberries.
Slice cakes in half, and sandwich together with a little buttercream, and spread rest onto one of the cakes and fluff up.

Put other cake on to wire rack resting on large bowl, bigger than the cake, heat chocolate mirror glaze, as per instructions on tub, and pour over cake, allow to set a little before transferring to plate.
I sprinkled some edible gold glitter on top of chocolate cake too.


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