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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Individual Cheese and Ham Quiche's

Another use for these fantastic tartlet tins, ( 4") I got mine on sale from Sainsbury's.

Shortcrust Pastry ( as in previous post)

2 Eggs
2 slices cooked ham
100ml of single cream
1 tomato
Grated Cheese

Grease 4 tartlet tins and line with shortcrust pastry ( do not bake blind)
Place the tartlets onto baking tray.

Sprinkle a little cheese on base of tartlets.
Chop ham into squares and share out between 4.
Slice tomatoes and cut each slice into 4, place these on top, then add some more grated cheese.

Mix eggs with cream in jug, add salt and pepper to taste, and gently pour a little at a time in each of the quiches, covering all ingredients as near to the top as possible.

Put quiches into centre of oven and cook for aprox 30 mins, Gas 5/6, until risen and golden brown.


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