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Saturday 27 January 2018

Chocolate Millionaire Shortbread

This is one of Mums recipes handed down, and a firm favourite with everyone!

For the Shortbread:

9oz Plain Flour
3oz Castor Sugar
6oz Butter

For the Toffee:

4oz Butter
4oz soft brown sugar
Small tin of condensed milk
2 tbsp golden syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

1 large bar good quality milk  chocolate

To make shortbread put flour, sugar and butter in large bowl and rub all ingredients together until crumbly mixture.

Place in greased and lined tray bake tin, press down evenly and firmly.
Bake in oven, Gas 5 until light golden, aprox 20 mins.

Leave to cool.

For toffee:
Add butter, brown sugar, syrup condensed milk and vanilla in to heavy bottom pan, bring to boil (stirring), and simmer for 7 minutes.
Pour toffee over shortbread. Allow to cool.

Break chocolate down into squares and place in bowl, which is placed over pan of simmering water (do not let water touch bottom of bowl), allow chocolate to melt, stirring occasionally, then pour over cooled toffee.
When chocolate is partially set, you can make swirls with a fork.
Allow to set completely before removing from tin and cut into squares.


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