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Tuesday 16 January 2018

Floured Baps

Lovely soft bread buns/baps

1lb Strong bread flour
7g sachet of fast acting dried yeast
1/2 pint lukewarm water
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt

Place all dried ingredients into large mixing bowl.

Using the dough hook, add warm water gradually to form soft dough.

Place on floured surface and knead until smooth, and place in bowl in a warm place with damp cloth over bowl till double in size ( roughly)

Remove dough from bowl and divide into 8 equal size portions.

With floured hand, cup each piece and make circular movement on bench until ball form.

Place these buns on greased tray in warm place, with damp cloth over again, for 30 minutes.

When risen, remove cloth and bake in oven middle/top shelf, Gas 7, aprox 15 minutes until tops start to colour.

To test if cooked inside, lift one and tap bottom, should have hollow sound.

Best served with real butter! yum!


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