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Saturday 13 January 2018

Coffee and Walnut Cake

An old classic today from Mums recipe book!

8ox SR flour
4oz Margarine
2 eggs (beaten)
6oz Walnuts
1tbsp instant coffee granules (diluted in a little warm water)

8oz Icing sugar
2oz butter

Make cake by creaming margarine and sugar until light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs a little at a time, with a little flour to stop curdling.
Fold in rest of flour with half of the coffee, and half of the walnuts (chopped).
Bake cake in deep round 8" cake tin (greased and floured) for 30-40 minutes Gas 5.

Test cake is cooked by using skewer in centre of cake, if it comes out clean it is done.

Cool cake on wire rack.

Beat icing sugar and softened butter till light and fluffy, add a little of the coffee essence for flavour.

When cake is fully cooled, slice through horizontally and sandwich together with half of the butter icing.
Spread rest of icing on top of cake and drag fork through lightly, 1st one way, then opposite to pattern on top,
Decorate with halved walnuts.


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