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Saturday 20 January 2018

Poached Caramel Pears

For this recipe I used 3 pears, but you can do as many as you like, ideal for showing off when you have friends over for dinner, and so simple..

Soft pears
Red wine
Nestles caramel covering
Coconut or chopped nuts

Firstly peel pears keeping stalk and slice a little from the bottom of the pear ( this helps them to stand up).

Put about 1/3 of a bottle wine in saucepan with pears and simmer for 20 minutes, keep turning so they get equal coverage.
Remove and let drain on kitchen paper.

When cool cover with caramel and place on grease proof paper.

Melt a little chocolate in bowl over pan, or in microwave, and dip pears in to cover bottom half, then immediately dip in coconut or chopped nuts.

Hope you  enjoy these as much as I did!


  1. So simple even I could do this 🙀🙀🙀

  2. of course Lynn, and they taste gorgeous, if u can spare the wine lol x
