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Wednesday 28 February 2018

Lemon Drizzle Cake

This is always a firm favourite, a tangy, sweet and light cake, the recipe below makes 2 small loaf tins, but you can use any you like.
Be careful when you use the grater to get zest from lemons, I ALWAYS manage to grate my thumb lol

8oz Margarine
8oz Castor Sugar
8oz SR Flour
4 Eggs (beaten)
2tbsp Milk
Juice and zest of 2 lemons

Cream margarine and sugar until light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs, milk and half of the lemon juice, a little at a time, adding a small amount of the flour at the same time, to prevent curdling of the mix.

Scrape down bowl, the bowl, then gently fold in flour and lemon zest.
Add to greased and floured loaf tins, and bake Gas 5, until risen and golden brown. Test centres with skewer or knitting needle to test if centre cooked.

Remove from oven, and immediately poke several holes into cakes and pour over the rest of the lemon juice, then sprinkle with castor sugar.


Tuesday 27 February 2018

Caramel Cupcakes

This is another version of my standard cupcakes, 

For cakes:

4oz Margarine
4oz Castor sugar
4oz SR Flour
2 Eggs (beaten with 2tbsp milk) 
1tsp Baking powder

For frosting:

8oz Double cream
4oz Mascarpone
1 tbsp Icing sugar

Make cupcakes by creaming margarine and sugar until light and fluffy.
Add egg mixture a little at a time along with the caramel flavouring, and continue beating, ( add a little flour at same time to prevent curdling mix).
Scrape down bowl, then fold in rest of flour, baking powder.

Divide into 12 paper cases in muffin tray.
Bake Gas 6, aprox 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.

Remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool,
(This is good time for a cup of tea!) 

To make frosting, whisk cream and mascarpone until thickens a little, then add icing sugar and whisk until thick and creamy.
Pipe frosting onto cupcakes in design of your choice,

I put little caramel in centres of cakes before decorating with flowers and piped leaves, then drizzled a little caramel over tops, and added some caramel sprinkles.


Monday 26 February 2018

Candied Orange Slices

These are ideal for cake decorations, you can also use lemons...

4 Small Oranges
4 cups water
2 Cups Sugar

Fill a large bowl of cold water and set aside.
Put 4 cups of water in large pan and bring to boil.
Add the orange slices and boil for 1 min.
Put orange slices in cold water.
Put 2 cups of the boiled water into large base pan, or frying pan and add sugar.
Bring to boil until sugar dissolved, turn down to simmer.
Arrange orange slices in pan in single layer and simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
When done, put slices on wire rack, with grease proof paper underneath.
Let them dry for up to 24 hours.
Dip slices in sugar, and cut in half.
Can be stored in airtight container for up to 1 month.
Hope you enjoy making these!

Sunday 25 February 2018

Chocolate Orange Cake

Another version of my Chocolate orange cake!mmmm

 For the recipe, see the link below:

Chocolate Orange Cake Recipe

The flowers are made by using the Russian ball nozzle, with orange and chocolate ganache frosting.

If you search youtube for Russian piping, there are some lovely demos on there, have fun!

Saturday 24 February 2018

Custard Tarts

Beautiful and light, can be made as individual tarts or 1 large one.
To save time you can use ready made pastry cases, or use my recipe  for shortcrust pastry ( to find it, search in the above box.

The amount below made 8 x 3" tarts.

Line tartlets tins (do not bake blind).

3 large egg yolks
3/4 pint milk
2 oz Sugar

Warm milk in a pan.

Beat egg yolks and sugar in separate bowl, then stir in milk until bubbles are created. Mix in a sprinkle of nutmeg.
Put mix in large jug.

Put tartlets on baking tray, and while on oven shelf, pour in custard mixture (this prevents spills while putting in oven).
Sprinkle a pinch of nutmeg on tops, and bake Gas 4, until edges are set, but middle is still wobbly.

Remove, and allow to cool while still in tins.


Thursday 22 February 2018

Basic Cookie Dough

This is my basic recipe for cookies, you can add whatever you like to flavour or decorate, add cocoa powder and choc chips, for double choc chip cookies.

10oz Sugar
5oz Butter
1tsp Vanilla extract
2 Eggs
8oz SR Flour

Cream softened butter and sugar.
Mix in beaten eggs with vanilla or other flavouring.
Mix in flour.

Use floured hands to make dough into size of a golf ball, (this is quite a soft mixture, so may need to be liberal with the flour)

Place on greased baking tray, well apart (they will spread), and flatten down slightly.

Bake Gas 5
for 10-15 mins, until light brown.

Leave on tray for 5 mins, then place on wire rack to cool.

Don't worry if they have spread into each other, if you want to tidy them up, use a large cookie cutter to reshape, as soon as they come out of the oven.

I also put a pack of Smarties in mine, as kids love them.


Wednesday 21 February 2018

Coconut Meringue Slices

These are lovely and light, and ideal for afternoon tea.

3oz Margarine
4oz Sugar
2 Egg Yolks
6oz SR Flour
pinch Salt

2 Stiffly beaten egg whites
2oz Desiccated Coconut
4oz Sugar
1oz Chopped Nuts
1oz Chopped Glace Cherries

For the base, cream margarine and sugar then add rest of ingredients, and mix till combined (quite a stiff mixture).
Spread on base of greased tray bake tin and press down.

Mix all the ingredients for the topping and spread evenly over base mix.

Bake for aprox 20 minutes (Gas 4) until pale brown.
Allow to cool in tray, before cutting into slices.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Fruit Teacakes

These teacakes are best served toasted with butter and jam mmm...

1lb Strong Plain Flour
2oz Lard
7g Sachet of instant yeast
1tsp Salt
1/2 pint lukewarm Milk
1 Egg
2oz Sugar
2oz Mixed Dried Fruit

Rub lard into flour, add yeast, then all other ingredients except fruit.
Knead to a soft dough, then fold in fruit.
Put in bowl, cover and leave in warm place until double in size.

Knead gently and divide into 4" rounds.
Prick with a fork, and leave to rise for 30 mins.
Bake Gas 7 for 15-20 mins.
Cool on wire rack


Sunday 18 February 2018

Strawberry and Pecan Chocolate Fudge

Here is the Chocolate fudge I promised, first time I've made it, and it came out great!
You can substitute any fruit or nuts etc, depending what you have in your cupboard, or preference.

1lb Sugar
1/4 pint of Milk
5oz Butter
4oz Plain Chocolate
2oz Clear Honey

2tbsp freeze dried strawberries
4oz Chopped Pecans

Place all ingredients(except fruit and nuts), in heavy bottomed pan.
Stir over a low heat until dissolved.
Bring to the boil gently and simmer, stirring occasionally for aprox 10 mins, until a little of the mixture, dropped into cold water, forms a soft ball.

Remove from the heat and stand in cool place for 10 mins,
Add strawberries and nuts and beat mixture until thick and starts to become grainy,

Pour into a greased and lined 8x6" tin, and mark into squares.

When cold cut into squares and store in air tight container.


Friday 16 February 2018

Deep Corned Beef Pie

Ideal size for a growing family, served with chips and peas. This is also a firm favourite for buffets.

Make pastry as :

8oz SR  Flour
4oz Margarine ( straight from the fridge)
1/2 tsp salt
cold water

Put flour and salt into large bowl, then add margarine, and cut into smaller lumps.
Rub together until resembles breadcrumbs.
Add cold water a little at a time until pastry combines (do not knead)

Wrap in cling film and place in fridge for later use, can be kept for several days.

For Filling:

Boil and mash 2 large potatoes ( or use frozen, defrosted).
Mix in 1 tin of corned beef and 1 diced onion.

Grease deep pie dish, and line with pastry.
Place filling in pie and spread evenly.
Brush edges with beaten egg, and cover with pastry,

Seal and edge the pie, and decorate with left over pastry.
Brush pie with beaten egg, and bake in oven, Gas 5, until golden brown,


Coming up tomorrow is Chocolate Pecan & Strawberry Fudge!

Sign up to e-mail so you don't miss this one!

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Banana Nut Loaf

This is a variation to a date & walnut loaf, but much lighter.

6oz Castor Sugar
4oz Butter
2 Eggs (beaten)
3tbsp Milk
1tsp Bicarb
12oz SR Flour
2 Very Ripe Bananas
6oz Chopped Walnuts or Pecans
1tsp Banana Flavouring (optional)

Grease 2 x 1lb loaf tins.

Cream butter and sugar, then add eggs and beat well.
Mash bananas and add them to mix, with flour, bicarb, and flavouring.
Then fold in nuts.
Divide mix between loaf tins, and bake Gas 5, for aprox 30-40 mins.

Turn out onto wire rack to cool.

Lovely sliced and served with butter.


Ginger Biscuits

To redeem myself from yesterday I've made some ginger biscuits.

8oz SR Flour
4oz Butter
1tsp Bicarb
3 tsp Ground Ginger
4oz Soft Brown Sugar
2 large tbsp Golden Syrup

Add flour, ginger and bicarb into bowl, then rub in butter.

Add sugar and warmed syrup, and mix well till stiff consistency.

Roll into equal sized balls with floured hands, and place on greased tray, well apart, as they spread.
Flatten with a fork, and bake for aprox 10 minutes, Gas 5.

Remove from trays while still hot, and place on wire rack.

Don't worry if they spread together and misshape, use cookie cutter while still on tray to tidy up if you want.


Tuesday 13 February 2018

Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies (Not)

Thought I would share one of my disasters! (yes, even I do have them lol).

Do NOT put marshmallow pieces in cookie mix, they melt!  I should have known better than listen to my 6yr old grandson, when he wanted to help make some cookies.

The actual following cookie recipe is great, just don't add marshmallows, chocolate beanies or smarties would work well though.

8oz Butter
5oz Castor Sugar
10oz SR Flour
1tbsp Cocoa Powder
1 Egg

Cream together butter and sugar until soft.
Add all other ingredients and mix until combined.
Knead together on floured surface and roll out.
Use cookie cutter of choice and place on greased tray with room for spreading.
Bake in oven, Gas 4 for 10-15 minutes.
When done, leave on tray for 10 mins, before removing and placing on wire rack to cool.

Monday 12 February 2018

Picnic Slices

A quick and easy recipe, and so delicious!

8oz Dark or Milk Chocolate
2oz Butter
4oz Castor Sugar
1 Beaten Egg
4oz Dessicated Coconut
2oz Sultanas
2oz Glace Cherries

Line and grease a swiss roll tin with greaseproof paper.
Melt chocolate in bowl over hot water, pour into tin and let it set.

Cream butter and sugar, then add all other ingredients and mix well.

When chocolate set, spread coconut mix on top, then bake in oven, Gas 3, for aprox 30 minutes until golden brown.

Leave to cool, then turn out onto cutting board and cut into slices with sharp knife.


Saturday 10 February 2018

Chocolate Orange Gateaux

This one, I've been waiting for all week! because the big one is for an order, Ive made a mini duplicate one, so I could cut into it, and eat some, of course!
The ingredients listed are for one 8" deep cake.

For the cake:

9oz SR Flour
1tsp Baking powder
2tbsp Cocoa Powder
8oz Margarine
8oz Castor Sugar
4 Eggs
2tbsp Milk

For the Frosting:

8oz Dark Chocolate
8oz Sour Cream

8oz Double Cream
4oz Mascarpone
1tbsp Icing Sugar
orange food colouring
Chocolate Orange Flavouring
Mini Chocolate Orange Segments

Make the cake:

Cream the margarine and sugar together until light and fluffy.
Add beaten eggs and milk a little at a time, adding a little flour if needed, to prevent curdling. (scrape down bowl).
Sift together flour, baking powder and cocoa, and fold into cake mixture.

Place cake mix into greased and lined 8" round cake tin, and bake on Gas 5, until risen, and centre springs back, also use skewer to test if middle is cooked.

When removed from oven, leave in tin for about 20mins before removing, and cooling on wire rack.

To make Chocolate Frosting:

Melt chocolate in bowl of pan of simmering water, remove bowl from heat, and beat in sour cream for 5 minutes, leave to cool (it will thicken),

Orange Frosting:

Whisk together double cream, mascarpone, icing sugar and 2tsp of flavouring, add enough orange food colouring till colour required.

To decorate:

When cake is cool, with large serrated knife cut into 3 slices horizontally.
In the inside layers spread orange frosting first, then chocolate ganache.
Cover cake completely with chocolate ganache and smooth sides with palette knife. and fluff up top.

Pipe rosettes on top and side as required, and place mini orange segments to finish.


Friday 9 February 2018

Tips and Tricks

Seeing how I haven't got round to doing any baking today, thought I'd share a few tips! 
I might seem like I'm preaching to the converted, but if there's one person out there that these have helped, then I am happy (it doesn't take much lol ).

When to use margarine/butter straight from the fridge or not?:

Straight from fridge
Leave out of fridge for at least an hour:
Butter Icing/Frosting

-Use COLD water for pastry.

-Do not use milk in quiches ( it can make quiche watery) use single cream instead.

To egg wash pastry scones etc, use beaten egg with a little salt, ( it breaks up the white better), if you don't add milk, you get a better shine/colouring.

When making cakes or frosting in electric mixer, ALWAYS scrape down bowl a couple of times, to get even mix.

If anything else comes to mind I will add it on this page, but for now, I'm going to put my feet up with a glass of wine and watch a movie.
Its 7pm here in UK and 2 ͦc, hope you are warm wherever you are.

Goodnight x

Thursday 8 February 2018

Lemon Cupcakes

These lovely cupcakes could be adapted for Easter, by putting mini chocolate egg on top, or any topper you want.

For Cakes:

4oz Margarine
4oz Castor Sugar
5oz SR Flour
1tsp Baking Powder
2 Eggs
2tbsp Milk

For Icing/Frosting:

4oz Margarine
4oz Butter
16oz Icing Sugar
1tsp cream of tartar

yellow food colouring
lemon meringue flavouring
lemon curd
yellow rice paper flowers

Make cakes by creaming together margarine and sugar until light and fluffy.
Mix beaten eggs with milk, and beat into cake mixture a little at a time.
Fold in flour and baking powder, add a little yellow food colouring until colour required.
Divide mixture between 12 cupcake papers, and bake Gas 6, until risen and springs back when touched.
Cool on wire rack.
When cool, make a hole in centre of each cupcake, and pipe a little lemon curd.

Make icing by beating margarine and butter together, then add icing sugar and 1tsp cream of tartar, mix slowly until icing sugar all incorporated, add 1tsp lemon flavouring, then beat on high until light and fluffy.

Put half of icing into another bowl and add a little yellow food colouring at a time, until colour required.
Put white icing in one piping bag and yellow in another, cut a little off the bottom.
Put large star nozzle into another large piping bag, then put both filled bags inside this one(equally).

Pipe large swirls on each cupcake, sprinkle a little icing sugar, and add rose on top.


Wednesday 7 February 2018

Mini Cheddars

As promised, Mini Cheddars, so easy, and ideal for kids lunch boxes, without the colourings and additives!

95g Finely grated coloured cheese
25g Butter
50g Plain Flour
1/4tsp salt

Mix all ingredients together.
Knead well on floured surface until combined.
Roll out thinly, and cut out with small cutter.
Place on greased baking tray.
Bake Gas 5, for apron 10 mins, until golden brown.
Cool on wire rack,

See, easy!


Tuesday 6 February 2018

Whats coming this week?

Sorry guys, as there been no baking last couple of days, I am waiting for new extractor fan in the kitchen. Hopefully done today, so can back to some lovely projects I'm planning.

I have a commission for a large Terry's chocolate orange cake for Sunday, so looking forward to showing that...

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to make some ritz cheesy biscuits, a firm favourite with the grandkids, and ideal for lunch boxes.

I have some new flavourings on order, so I think some more cupcakes are needed this week lol.

Any suggestions always welcomed..

Don't forget, if you are viewing from your mobile, you may not be able to see all the recipes or able to follow or subscribe, please go to the web version:

Speak to you soon!

Sunday 4 February 2018

Blackberry and Vanilla Cupcakes

Loving these new Russian piping nozzles! So many ideas I want to try, watch this space!....

For cakes:

4oz Castor Sugar
4oz Margarine
4oz SR Flour
2 eggs, beaten with 1tbsp milk
1tsp Baking Powder
fresh blackberries
purple food colouring

For Icing:

2oz Margarine
2oz Butter
8oz Icing Sugar
1tsp Glycerine

Make cakes by creaming margarine and sugar till light and fluffy, add eggs a little at a time. add vanilla.
Fold in flour and baking powder.

Put half mixture in another bowl, and add a little purple food colouring at a time until colour required.

Put half a dessert spoon of each mix into 12 cupcake papers. add 1 blackberry in centre of cupcake.
Bake in oven Gas 6, aprox 20 mins until risen and centre springs back.
Place on wire rack to cool.

Beat together marg, butter and icing sugar till light and fluffy, beat in 1tsp vanilla essence.
Add half buttercream to another bowl, and add a little purple colouring at a time, until colour required.
Add white buttercream into one piping bag, and purple into another, then place both piping bags inside of another one, with nozzle of choice.
Pipe swirls on each cake,add blackberry in centre and dust with a little icing sugar.


Saturday 3 February 2018

Red Velvet Valentine Cakes

Love these! Can be decorated any way you wish, I used a 6" heart shaped tin, and cupcakes.

For cakes:
4oz Castor Sugar
4oz Margarine
4oz SR Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1tbsp Cocoa Powder

For Icing/Frosting:

4oz Butter
4oz Margarine
16oz Icing Sugar
1tsp Glycerine (corn syrup)

For the cakes:

Beat together margarine and sugar until light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs a little at a time, adding little of the flour at same time, to prevent curdling.
Sift flour, baking powder and cocoa together, and fold into cake mixture,
Put mixture into greased tin and/cupcake papers.
Bake until risen and spring back to touch. Gas 5.

Leave larger cake in tin to cooler 20 minutes before attempting to remove and placing on wire rack to cool fully.

For Icing:
Beat margarine and butter together, then add icing sugar, beat slowly until combined, add glycerine, and beat on high level until light and fluffy. Scrape down bowl and beat again, at this point you can add some flavouring, ( I added strawberry essence).

Divide icing into 3 separate bowls, half of icing into one bowl, and divide rest into other 2 bowls.
In the bowl with the largest amount add some red food colouring a little at the time until colour required, ( I prefer pastes, not liquids).
in other do the same, making 1 pink, and the other green.

When cakes are cool, give heart cake and/or cupcakes a covering of pink icing.

Put red icing in piping bag with nozzle, (I used Russian rose tube), and pipe flowers on cake.
Place green icing in piping bag, and use leaf nozzle if you have one, ( I cut a 'V" into mine) and pipe leaves in between flowers.


Cheese and Onion Pasties

Another use for any large cookie cutter, and even my VERY fussy 6yr old grandson loved these!


8oz SR Flour
4oz Margarine
1/2 tsp salt
cold water

2 medium potatoes
2tbsp chopped onions
4oz grated cheese

Boil and mash potatoes (with a little butter and milk)
Mix in cheese and onions.

Mix pastry by rubbing together flour, salt and margarine until like breadcrumbs. Add a little cold water at a time until pastry combined. ( pastry is best made day before, wrapped in cling film, and placed in fridge)

Roll out pastry on floured surface and I used large heart cutter, (2 for each pasty).

Place bottoms on greased tray, damp round edges and put a dessert spoon of cheese mixture in centre,
Place other heart on top and seal edges. Make a couple of little cuts on top, for steam to escape.

Place in oven Gas 5, and bake until golden brown.
Remove, then place on wire rack to cool.


Thursday 1 February 2018

Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

Again, these cupcakes are delicious, takes a little more time with the colourings, but well worth it!

For cakes:

4oz Margarine
4oz Castor sugar
4oz SR Flour
2 Eggs (beaten with 2tbsp milk)
1tsp Baking powder

For frosting:

8oz Double cream
1tbsp Cocoa Powder
4oz Mascarpone
1 tbsp Icing sugar


Chocolate Orange Flavouring
1tbsp Cocoa Powder
Orange Food Colouring

Make cakes by creaming softened margarine and sugar until light and fluffy.
Add beaten eggs a little at a time.
Fold in flour and baking powder.

Divide mixture into 2 bowls.
Mix cocoa with a little water to make paste and add some into one of the cake mixes.
In other bowl, add a few drops of flavouring and colouring until colour required.

Add a desert spoon of each coloured cake mix into 12 separate cupcake papers, and bake in oven, Gas 6, until risen and cake springs back when touched.

Cool on wire rack.

For frosting:
Whip double cream and mascarpone until creamy, add icing sugar, and whip until thick.

Divide into 2 bowls.

Add a little of the cocoa mix in one bowl, and flavouring/colouring into other bowl.

Put large star nozzle into piping bag, put chocolate frosting down one side of bag, and orange frosting down other side.
Pipe rosettes onto cupcakes and add chocolate or orange M&M on top.
