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Friday 16 February 2018

Deep Corned Beef Pie

Ideal size for a growing family, served with chips and peas. This is also a firm favourite for buffets.

Make pastry as :

8oz SR  Flour
4oz Margarine ( straight from the fridge)
1/2 tsp salt
cold water

Put flour and salt into large bowl, then add margarine, and cut into smaller lumps.
Rub together until resembles breadcrumbs.
Add cold water a little at a time until pastry combines (do not knead)

Wrap in cling film and place in fridge for later use, can be kept for several days.

For Filling:

Boil and mash 2 large potatoes ( or use frozen, defrosted).
Mix in 1 tin of corned beef and 1 diced onion.

Grease deep pie dish, and line with pastry.
Place filling in pie and spread evenly.
Brush edges with beaten egg, and cover with pastry,

Seal and edge the pie, and decorate with left over pastry.
Brush pie with beaten egg, and bake in oven, Gas 5, until golden brown,


Coming up tomorrow is Chocolate Pecan & Strawberry Fudge!

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