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Thursday 8 March 2018

Raspberry Cupcakes

I used 10 of the cupcakes I made yesterday, and decorated them with cream cheese raspberry frosting.


4oz Double Cream
2oz Mascarpone 
1tbsp Icing Sugar
Pink food colouring
Raspberry Flavouring
Fresh Raspberries

Whip double cream until becoming thick and creamy, add icing sugar, cream cheese and flavouring, and whip until it form peaks.

Put 1/3 of frosting into separate bowl, and add a little pink colouring and mix.

For piping, I used a 3 bag  coupler and a Russian ball piping tube.
I put white frosting in 2 bags, and pink in 3rd bag.
Then piped rosettes on each cupcake, added a raspberry on top, and sprinkled with a little icing sugar.

If anyone would like a demonstration of these piping techniques, add a comment here, and I will do my best :)


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