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Saturday 17 March 2018

Chocolate Souffle's

Always wanted to make these, but never tried thinking they would be difficult, they're not! :)


For Sauce:

140ml Single Cream
25g Sugar
100g Dark Chocolate
25 g Butter

For Souffle's:

50g Sugar
175g Dark Chocolate
2tbsp Double Cream
4 Egg Yolks
5 Egg Whites

Make the sauce by heating the cream and sugar until it boils, remove from heat, then stir in the chocolate and butter till melted, keep warm.

For the souffle's, brush 6 ramekins with melted butter and dust with sugar.
Melt the chocolate and cream, remove from heat.
Mix in the egg yolks.
In separate bowl, whisk egg whites till peak forms, add the sugar a little at a time, and whisk again.
Add 1 tbsp of egg whites to chocolate mix and mix till combined.
Then fold in rest of egg whites.

Divide mixture between the ramekins, place on baking tray, and bake in oven Gas 6 till risen and starting to brown. (do not open oven door)
Remove from oven, dust with a little icing sugar, and serve immediately with chocolate sauce, and/or ice-cream.


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