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Saturday 30 December 2017

Cheese Scones

Makes aprox 10

8 oz SR flour
2oz margerine
1tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
grated cheese
egg( for glazing)

Mix flour, salt, pepper and margarine together till resembles breadcrumbs.
Mix in grated cheese .
add milk ( how much, can depend how much cheese you have added), until all ingredients combined, but not too sticky.

Place on floured surface and knead gently just so there are no cracks, then roll out and cut with scone cutter and place on greased baking tray.

Mix egg with a little salt ( this breaks down the albumen), and brush tops of scones, let rest for 10 mins, then brush again .

Place in top of oven Gas 6, aprox 15-20 mins, until tops are golden brown.

Place on cooling tray, again like the bread taps scone bottoms, they should sound hollow.

Best served with best butter!
