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Saturday 30 December 2017

Cheese Scones

Makes aprox 10

8 oz SR flour
2oz margerine
1tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
grated cheese
egg( for glazing)

Mix flour, salt, pepper and margarine together till resembles breadcrumbs.
Mix in grated cheese .
add milk ( how much, can depend how much cheese you have added), until all ingredients combined, but not too sticky.

Place on floured surface and knead gently just so there are no cracks, then roll out and cut with scone cutter and place on greased baking tray.

Mix egg with a little salt ( this breaks down the albumen), and brush tops of scones, let rest for 10 mins, then brush again .

Place in top of oven Gas 6, aprox 15-20 mins, until tops are golden brown.

Place on cooling tray, again like the bread taps scone bottoms, they should sound hollow.

Best served with best butter!


Simple white tin loaf

Nothing better than the smell of home baked bread, so easy and no preservatives or additives!

1lb strong bread flour
7g fast acting yeast
1tsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 pint lukewarm water

Place the flour, yeast, sugar and salt into mixer bowl.
Use dough hook attachment combine all ingredients, add water slowly.
Mix until smooth dough.

Remove from bowl onto floured surface and knead into ball shape, place in bowl with a damp cloth covering, and leave in warm place till double in size.

remove from bowl and knead air out again, divide in two, shape into oblong shapes and place into 2 small loaf tins (greased and floured).

Cover again, and leave till double size again.

Sprinkle flour on op of loaves and place in centre of hot oven Gas 7, for aprox 25 mins or until golden brown on top.

Place on cooling trays.

tip:- I tap bottom of loaves when they come out of oven, if you get a hollow sound, you know they are cooked.

Friday 29 December 2017

grams to ounces conversion chart

Oven temperature chart


Easy peasy shortbread

9oz plain flour
3oz castor sugar
6oz butter

Combine all ingredients together and knead slightly till smooth enough to roll out.
Use round cutter and place on greased trays.
Prick lightly with fork.
Bake in centre of oven, gas 5, for approx 15-20 minutes until lightly golden.
Place on wire rack to cool and sprinkle castor sugar over.


Cinnamon berry granola bars

Delicious high energy bars

100g butter
200g granola (or oats)
100g sunflower seeds 
50g sesame seeds
50g chopped walnuts (or pecans)
3tbsp honey
100g light brown sugar
1tsp cinnamon 
100g dried cranberries, cherries or fruit of your choice

Heat oven to 140C (gas 3)
Butter and line 18x25cm tray
Mix granola (oats), seeds and nuts in roasting tin, then put in oven 5-10 minutes to roast, mix half way through.
Warm butter, honey and sugar in pan, stirring untill butter is melted.
Add the oat mix, cinnamon and dried fruit till oats are well coated.
Press into tin lightly, and bake approx 30 mins.

Leave to cool completely in tin, then cut into approx 12 bars.


Thursday 28 December 2017

Chocolates chip cookies

Crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside.

Make around 14

330g(10.5oz) plain flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
100g chocolate chips (or small bag)
150g(5oz) butter
125g(4.4oz) light brown sugar
100g(3.5 oz) castor sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract 
1/2 tsp bicarb 

Melt butter in pan gently, allow to cool.
Put sugars in bowl and mix in melted butter, beat together.
Add vanilla, 1 whole egg and one egg yolk.
Mix till creamy texture.
Sift dry ingredients together and add to mix with chocolate chips until combined.
Use icecream scoop to measure each cookie amount and use lightly floured hands to gently roll into ball, place onto greased baking tray and flatten slightly, leaving space for them to expand slightly.
Bake for around Gas 5 for 15 mins until edges of cookies are toasted slightly , transfer to wire rack and let cool.
